went threw and unhooked a bunch more shit. unbolted the trans. got a couple driveshaft bolts out before i gave up and had to jack the car up a bit to get under it. pulled the driveshaft. unbolted the exhaust...

i have had that engine leveler thing for like 15years i think. i think that we tried to use it once? i usually just hook a chain to both sides of a engine/trans swap in a transverse car, offset the hook to the chain and yank. figured this would be a good time to try it.
got pissed as i couldnt find lift points i liked, cant reach the back of the head where there are bolt holes im sure. and figured i have seen many people use the carb plate to lift, so why not?

funny thing was my landlord comes by. he is a car guy too, has never seemed to care about me doing this shit. makes some comments/jokes and moves on usually. i ask him about this, he says "you wouldnt think so, but its fine [shrugged shoulders]" lol.. ok.

oh yeah. speedo cable and aftermarket coolant/oil pressure.... you should remove those.

actually it was easier to remove the oil pressure and coolant gauges once the engine was pulled out a bit. both are in bitch spots.

neighbor was over at the end of last weeks work, suggested that engine stand he got with a crate motor, works champ, even with the PG hanging off the back. tucked the whole thing away for later.

still have room...trying to use my space wisely.

stripped off most everything. lower arms are still there as they suck to remove (lazy). pulled the fuel/brake lines all out the way. just the steering box left i think.
havent decided on the steering box yet. probably just sawzall threw the thing to leave as much shaft as possible yet still drop the box to the garbage? i am going to be using the stock steering column for this project.

someone left this pretty little dent for me. looks like it was needed to clear the HEI distributor unit. i will need to smooth that and make it more presentable....