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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2017, 01:46:57 AM »

Okay, so I lay pipe like a pro!! Finished all my infiltration pit piping. Got 10 yards of 1.5" drain rock delivered today. Called for inspection from the county. They will be out Monday the 13th to check it all out. I'm going to head out after work for a few hours and lay down my footing drain pipe and gravel.

Here's some pics from today.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2017, 10:08:27 AM »

I assume you don't do basements in Washington?
Do you put your floor on top of that cement wall, or pour a pad right on the ground?

Most people put a basement around here unless its a developer putting in retirement homes they pour a cement pad.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2017, 10:47:20 AM »

They do do basements in Washington State. It's just that this house is almost 2300 square foot, and if I did a basement I would be over 5000 square feet. And my property taxes are already going to be $5,000 a year as is. So if I doubled my square footage, my property taxes probably be somewhere around the $7,000 mark. That being said, not very many slabs are poured up here and then built on top of. I don't know if it's because of earthquake code, or because it would be cold year-round because a ground temperature never gets above 55 degrees.

And yes, we will bolt a pressure treated 2 by 6 down on top of the concrete, and then we will set are 10 inch BCI floor joist on it
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #63 on: February 13, 2017, 01:48:34 PM »

gotcha, don't think the basements count as living space in taxes here if left unfinished.  Then the homeowners go back and finish themselves later


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #64 on: February 20, 2017, 03:48:34 AM »

Okay lots happening.....
After my last update we have had a bunch of fucked up shit go down.
On the 2/10/17 I went out to the site to do a little drainage work and this was happining.....

Lumber! I was pretty pumped for it, but I didn't know why we were getting it. Our site foreman said once we back filled our dirt, we would then get our lumber delivered. Can't backfill until our drainage gets signed off on. Talked to the foreman of Friday the 10 and asked him what was going on? He said framers were going to start building the floor and have it done by the 14th. So once we passed inspection we could backfill because framing would be done and lumber wouldn't be in the way of the dirt guys.

I though okay, we will just be a week ahead of schedule. Well, sat the 11th comes, no framer. I took sunday off. Go out to the site on Monday to finish pipe work. Foreman shows up to check progress around 930 am. Still no framer. Foreman says he will call him and see where he is. Inspection happens and we pass. I call dirt guy up. He tells me that he can be out there by the end of the week. Call foreman and let him know dirt guy will be out there to backfill by Thursday. He said it won't be a problem because the framer is on his way out and should be done with floor framing on Tuesday night so the lumber won't be in the way.
Monday afternoon framer shows up. Opens the lumber stack and moves about 10 boards and then goes and smokes cigarettes in his truck for an hour. I finish my drain shit and ask framer when he will be done. He says he will have it all banged out by Tuesday.

Tuesday the 14th, show up to the site around 515, music playing, tools everywhere, and no framer in sight. Hung out there until close to 545 and he wasn't coming back. Hardly any works was done. Only about 80% of the mud sill was complete. On top of that it looked as if he hadn't set the boards up right and a few of them didn't have the correct amount of bolts holding the mud sill down. Though okay, maybe he will show up Wednesday and finish.

Thursday the 16th, I pull onto my road and pass the framer leaving as I'm pulling in. He has his trailer with him so I'm assuming he's all done and taking good his job trailer with him. I get to the site and see this shit.....

Crushed my drainage pipe

Missing studs on my pony/cripple wall

Missing bolts

So now I'm fucking pissed!! Call the foreman paul (who I have felt is a fucking retard this whole time) left him a voice mail. Called the local office and left a message there too. I'm steaming pissed and I'm getting ready to leave when I get a phone call from Paul's cell. Turns out its not Paul on the other end. Paul walked in dropped his keys off and quit. So now they have a temporary foreman from another project to fill in while the new foreman is getting trained. Dirt guy shows up to check to see progress b4 he brings in all his equipment. Calls off back filling until next week when no lumber is in the way.

Friday the 17th, I speak with new foreman. He tells me that the framers will be done with the framing by Saturday. I asked him who I send the bill for the broken pipe to. Because I'm charging the fuck out of these guys for sheer neglected. I mean who stacks 6 fucking floor joice's on pipe that suspended in the air. He says to hand it to the framer and email him a copy. He then tells me the dirt guys will have all of next week to get everything done. Because the framers will be done and all the lumber will be out of the way.

I call dirt guy and let him know he has all next week to dirt work. He says ok, and to call him Monday and let him know for sure if the lumber is moved. I go out to the site on friday. Framer is there with his flunky employee. He tells me he will have everything framed and all lumber moved by sat afternoon.

Sat the 18th, I show up and I'm in a full fucking rage. Nothing is done since Friday when I was there. I'm so pissed I'm ready to call my lender and tell them to put a stop to everything. Just as I'm getting ready to leave I get a email from our new foreman asking me how things are going. Told him I'm done with the emails and he needs to fucking call me. 5 min later I get a phone call from dale, our temp foreman. I explained to him that I'm done with it all. He sucks up and tells me he will take care of everything and whip them all into shape. He apologized and told me how this isn't the normal for there company. So, on monday the 20th, I'm going out in the afternoon. If shit ain't down. I'm going to padlock my property and they can all get fucked. I'll hire someone else.

Here is how it looked when I left.

There is maybe 6-8 floor joice's that are actually nailed. But not completely, just one one end.
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #65 on: February 21, 2017, 12:27:34 PM »

This type of shit is why I am the asshole I am today.
Makes it hard to write the check to pay someone that is incompetent, especially when you had to put the hours and legwork in to make it happen when it was their job.

Good luck.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2017, 01:48:37 PM »

This type of shit is why I am the asshole I am today.
Makes it hard to write the check to pay someone that is incompetent, especially when you had to put the hours and legwork in to make it happen when it was their job.

Good luck.

Met with our new foreman yesterday out at the site. Told him if the framers didn't have the floor framing done by yesterday that he would have a hard time getting anyone into the site because I will draw the chain and padlock that fucking place down. And then I would fire them and hire a different company to take my money. I mean it's not like I'm just putting a double wide down and calling it a day. I'm building a custom fucking home!!

So today I'm heading out to the site after work, picking up a little trash and fixing the broken pipe that the framers crushed. Once that is done, I'm going to inspect every fucking inch of there work.
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #67 on: February 23, 2017, 08:16:01 PM »

I'd burn the framers trailer down


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2017, 02:04:38 AM »

Well the fucking lightning bolt from God came down and smashed the framer in the head!! He fixed everything except he missed putting the nuts on 3 bolts that hold the mud sill down. He fucked up on like 3 floor joices and set them low and the rim sill on one corner is kinda fucked up.

New temp foreman said he would address those items with the framer and make sure he fixes them even though the county inspector signed off on the framing already.

Onto the pics

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2017, 07:52:54 PM »

So I stopped by on Saturday 2/25/17 to see where we were at. Pretty fucking cool to see most of the dirt moved around. They were back filling the foundation and it looked like the framer laid down most of the plywood sheeting on friday/saturday morning. He kinda fucked the dirt guys by not cutting the plywood off and just ran it long past the rim joist. So because of that, they couldn't compact all the dirt down tight right next to the foundation. Also saw that our inspection sheet was back and that the inspector had written down some notes on the back saying that the framer needed to fix the missing bolts and take pictures and send them to the county b4 completing the sheeting. Anyways, onto the pics and videos..

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2017, 02:36:49 AM »

Stopped out on Tuesday the 28th. Framer had top and bottom plates for exterior walls framed setup. All floor sheeting for the most part was done. Guy still moves slow as balls.

Went out today 3-2-17, dirt guys are finishing up the septic, infiltration pit, and grading and tree removal.

Dirt guys said framer wasn't there on Wednesday at all, and then only worked about 3 hours on thursday and bounced. I showed up a little after 2 and in 2 fucking days the framer managed to frame 1 exterior wall. And it wasn't even the big wall. Dude is such a dough bag.

Anyways, crawled under the house to check 1 wall that didn't have all the bolts on the mud sill down. Still missing bolts in that mud sill, so I guess he will be under the house running a rotor hammer. Just don't understand why he thinks I'm not going to check this shit? Anyways, onto the pics.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2017, 05:15:54 PM »

I'm not sure what your beef is, really. I'm mean it's all MADE IN AMERICA. lol

It's like complaining you got the herp from a $20 hooker.
they mspainted dildoes in my mom'#039#039s hand, in a picture of her in a hospital bed. -JD
dem gurls need some boobz! -Engloid


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2017, 05:32:17 PM »

I would happily employee some :mexi: for exchange for a quality built house.
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #73 on: March 04, 2017, 08:29:43 AM »

Sounds like you have a drunk POS on your hands


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2017, 01:13:48 PM »

I'm not sure what line of work has more functioning addicts around here.  Home construction or landscaping.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2017, 09:04:46 PM »

Well, got a call on friday the 3rd from our septic guy. Told me they installed a 1000gal tank and not the larger 1500gal tank I wanted. Said he could refund me the $500 differance in cost or pull it and install the 1500 tank on monday. We plan on adding a shop with a 1 bedroom apartment eventually and I don't want to have to do this shit 2 times, that's why I wanted the larger tank to begin with. So they pulled it out and had to wait for the new one to come in.

Came in on monday, installed and hooked everything up. Inspection was Tuesday March 7th for it and the infiltration pit. We passed everything and they are planning on backfill everything and smoothing it all out today.

We get our roofing trusses delivered tomorrow and those should hopefully be done and stood up by next weekend. And then he can sheet them. Once the roofing sheeting is done the framer is out and I can go in and screw everything down. I got 2 buckets of 2.5" screws last week and plan on knocking all that shit out after the framer is done.

New larger septic 3/6/17

Framing as of Monday morning 3/6/17

And as of Tuesday afternoon 3/7/17
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2017, 01:56:50 PM »

So are Roofing trusses got delivered on Thursday. I spoke with the foreman on Friday 3/10/17 and asked him when he estimated everything was supposed to be done as far as framing. He said on Monday 3/13/2017, we are going to have our roof sheets deliver. He then told me that the framer told him everything would be done by Tuesday 3/14/17. That's today. I'm going to go check this afternoon and see, but I fucking doubt he will be done with even rolling the trusses into place. After the framer is finished with everything, our foreman is going to the site and go over all the framing corrections that need to be addressed before he even calls for framing inspection. I'm currently trying to get ahold of him so we can meet at the site with him on that day so he/we don't miss anythin that needs to be fixed.

Wednesday he will deliver our paper work to the flooring/countertops company and on thursday 3/16/17 we will go pick out all of our countertops and flooring and see what/if we want to upgrade. Friday 3/17 our windows will be delivered and on 3/20/17 they are set to be installed. Then we are set to have a framing inspection sometime in there as well. That's all I have for now. Will update more when I know more.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #77 on: March 16, 2017, 02:00:32 AM »

Showed up on Tuesday. Still a shit show. Have a meeting with our foreman on thursday 3/16 @9am. Where I expect for him to fire our framer. I'm going to unload a shit storm on our foreman. There are interior walls that are not framed yet, there are headers on the exterior wall that are not installed but there is roof trusses that land on the top plate and there is no support for them. Therefore the wall is starting to sag and it will be reflected in the roof. There is so much more wrong. Doors framed on wrong walls, doors not framed at all, closets that aren't framed, walls that are 4" off of where they should be to the point that the tub won't even fit in the spot. It's all fucked. On top of that he was suppose to be done on Tuesday, but he has at least 1 week worth of fuck ups left b4 he's completely fucked everything.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #78 on: March 16, 2017, 10:28:17 AM »

just bury him with that CAT under where the driveway will go


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #79 on: March 20, 2017, 01:30:21 AM »

So we had our meeting Thursday the 3/16. Our project manager/foreman showed up and so did his boss. But the framer was a no call/no show.i had nothing but fucked up things to say. I pretty much lost my shit and told them everything is totally fucked up. Unfortunately they can't fire him because Washington state has some fucked up law in place to where if they fucked up and they are willing to fix it (and it's not totally completed yet) Then they can't fire him.

I pointed everything wrong that I saw out to the foremans, and they showed me some shit that was fucked up. My foremans boss called the framer, my foreman called the framer as well and no answer. But he has the balls to text my foreman back and tell him that he wants his money. They tried to make him quit so we could just get a new Crew in, but he ended up showing up around noon. He told my foremans boss that he would fix everything and have everything finished by monday. The foremans boss told him that he needed to have all the fuck ups fixed by Friday morning. The head foreman tells him they will cut him half his money if he is done by monday. My foreman goes out Friday morning and the framer is there fixing fuck ups. So they cut him half his money he's owed.

I went out Friday afternoon, 3/17. All off the missing headers were installed, and the door to the closet had been reframed, but the framer was not there. Nor was any of his tools, ladders and trailer. He has been leaving all of that there every day. So hopefully he quit.

I contacted my foreman Friday afternoon and said the framer was there Friday morning when he stopped in to check in and see how things were going. I informed him all if his shit was gone.

I also asked him what happens if he isn't done by monday. He responded saying at that point they can fire him because he hasn't held up his end of the contract.

I'm going to meet up with my foreman Monday morning 3/20 around 10am, so hopefully the framer isn't there/finished and we can cut our losses with this piece of shit.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 11:56:38 PM by ratcityrex »
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2017, 02:50:07 AM »

Monday the 20th comes and no framer. Dude hasn't been there since Friday. So we can start to cut our loss. Have the meeting with the foreman (Shannon) on monday, he tells me the framer Brian Edstrom is a total fucking snowflake. He had called the framer Monday morning because Brian said he would be done and the roofing guys were there to start the roof and there isn't any sheeting to roof....lol

After Shannon was asking him wtf was going on he hangs up on him and will only text him. Guess he was texting about how his feelings were hurt and now he didn't want to go to work. So Shannon's boss went ahead and put a stop payment on Brian's check.

As I'm leaving around 1130 the framers showed up pulling his trailer.

530 my wife goes out to the site and nobody is there. She Skype's me and walked through the house and nothing is done.

Tuesday 3/21/17
My foreman, and his boss and his boss all have a meeting at corporate.
My wife calls the general manager and Leaves him a voice mail stating if something goes isn't done with this framer she is going to loose her shit. She waits a few hours and then calls our foreman shannon. He tells her he's on the way,to our site. I meet him at the site. He tells me the framer has locked himself in his truck and won't talk to shannon. He's just playing a game on his phone and won't look up. As we're sitting there talking about it, he gets out of his truck and starts to grab a piece if wood like he's going to cut it or something. Shannon asks him what's up and the dude looses his shit. States screaming at him about how he was on the phone with the hospital trying to figure out what's up with his mom. He then tells Shannon if he says 1 more word that he's gonna do something stupid. As he's holding the 2x4 and acting all crazy. Then he says if Shannon wasn't always calling him that he might actually get some work done. Then I pipe up and tell him if he actually showed up to work he might get some work done. He didn't have shit to say and we walked away.

Wednesday, I get a call from Shannon's boss saying that he's at our site and trying to get ahold of the framer to have him remove his trailer from our property.

New Crew is suppose to start next week. They have a bunch of shit to fix, and finish. More pics and videos to come soon.
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2017, 04:27:49 PM »

this story is going to end with the framer hanging himself on your property


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2017, 10:20:39 AM »

Fuck............... I just read the whole 3rd page..........

I think I would have thrown him off the property a long time ago!
My build thread; http://www.realhomemadeturbo.com/forum/index.php?topic=2444.0

I like my girls like I like my cars, rich and retarded.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2017, 02:23:56 PM »

So I went out to the house yesterday Thursday 3/23. I get there and Brian the fuckup AKA snowflakes trailer is still there. I call the general manager of the company and ask him wtf is up. He didn't know it was still there. He said he would call the snowflake 1 more time and if it wasn't removed within 1 hour he was going to have it towed. 2 hours later I get a call from snowflake asking why I didn't like his work....lol needless to say he was pretty much begging for me to let him back on the job because now that he has been fired he's not going to get payed. So now he's trying to play kiss ass. I tell him his work is shitty and he's a fuckup and that when he decided to get combative with Shannon, in my eyes he's way over due to get fired. He then got all defensive and and tried to tell me that the floor in my house is gonna be fucked because it's getting rained on and he only has 2 more day of work b4 it's dried in and it's going good to take months to get a crew out there to finish it off and Yada Yada yada. I tell him again it's over and I'm done with it. I hang up and get a giant text from this guy. I'm not looking thinking to myself I'm gonna loose my shit if dude tryst to fuck with me.

Anyways here's the screens shots of his dumb ass uneducated messages.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2017, 09:27:53 PM »

Well, fuck.  They started clearing a driveway on a wooded lot last week in my neighborhood and on Wednesday the damn house was up.  Looks like it could be lived in now.
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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #85 on: March 27, 2017, 11:58:44 AM »

this dude a late blooming addict? I've received messages that sound like that when someone is sliding off the deep end and is trying to sell shit.  just incoherent ramblings.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #86 on: March 27, 2017, 03:11:04 PM »

Well, fuck.  They started clearing a driveway on a wooded lot last week in my neighborhood and on Wednesday the damn house was up.  Looks like it could be lived in now.

It's crazy how quick shit can happen when you don't live in a place that isn't crazy restricted. Around here it's a act of Congress just to cut down a fucking tree.

this dude a late blooming addict? I've received messages that sound like that when someone is sliding off the deep end and is trying to sell shit.  just incoherent ramblings.

We were pretty sure he was a meth addict.

Just went out today to see if the new framing crew was there and they weren't there as of this morning. But the dirt guys were there moving a little more soil around. Told the Operator that he was fired and he said well it's about time. I guess one of the truck drivers was out there dropping off a piece of equipment and the framer was there that time and was getting out of his truck and low and behold a glass pipe fell out of his pocket and smashed on the gravel driveway. And from what he was told it wasn't a pot pipe. So I'm almost 100% sure dude is a method head. Just glad he's out of there.

New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #87 on: April 06, 2017, 02:59:32 PM »

New framers showed up on thursday morning march 30th. Took a look around and got to see what a shit show it really was and had to go set some trusses on another job. There was 3 of them on friday the 31st. They did more work in 8 hours then the other snowflake framer did in 8 days.

1. Thwy pulled some if the external sheeting iff and plumbed the walls and made them square.

2. Thw braced all the walls off.

3. They then resheeted the external walls.

4. They mived all the interior walls to there proper location and finished building the clisets that were not yet built.

5. They tore most all the sheets off the roof and moved the trusses.

6. They then braced the trusses properly and respected them.

And all that happened on friday. They then set the rest of the trusses over the next few days and finished most the other stuff off. They should be done with everything today besides fixing the pony wall studs (adding more in the correct places), and adding 1 more mud sill bolts that was missed. Here is a picture of its current state.

Front of house

Side of house

Rear of house with 16x12 covered area that I'm going to build a deck on.
New setup is old bottom end with a hype r head with gsr cams. built lsv with hx35 @ 26psi on pump gas
LEED tuned! 434hp/329tq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pbDXZxZdZs

Old Setup B18a1 296hp/289tq LEED Tuned 20psi on pump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yj-Z90j4W4   


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #88 on: April 06, 2017, 07:18:08 PM »

The roofers are going to love you compared to most new construction.


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Re: My most expensive build yet......FORT REX COMPOUND
« Reply #89 on: April 06, 2017, 10:56:09 PM »

AWESOME AJ!!! glad shit is progressing properly for you now! got to be exciting again?

The roofers are going to love you compared to most new construction.

yeah it does look like a simple one, compared to most.

speaking or roofers... place im renting (duplex) needed a roof. landlord contracted that shit out. 3 dudes showed up, busted out stripping the WHOLE THING, laying new plywood (or fixing some, i seen sheets gone), papered it. in ONE DAY. was like, shit. next day they they hammered out all the shingles....DONE. 2 days. duplex 2 miles away on the way home was going on a week or so lol.... you should hit those guys up  :mexi: :mexi: :mexi:
my place has one central peak, with total of two small ones (done over each unit). so damn simple.
Dustin  :Jew:
1987 Buick Regal Limited 6.0L/4L80E (LQ4, 862 heads, tbss intake, 92mm tb, e1841p cam, Holley EFI)
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