Okay lots happening.....
After my last update we have had a bunch of fucked up shit go down.
On the 2/10/17 I went out to the site to do a little drainage work and this was happining.....

Lumber! I was pretty pumped for it, but I didn't know why we were getting it. Our site foreman said once we back filled our dirt, we would then get our lumber delivered. Can't backfill until our drainage gets signed off on. Talked to the foreman of Friday the 10 and asked him what was going on? He said framers were going to start building the floor and have it done by the 14th. So once we passed inspection we could backfill because framing would be done and lumber wouldn't be in the way of the dirt guys.
I though okay, we will just be a week ahead of schedule. Well, sat the 11th comes, no framer. I took sunday off. Go out to the site on Monday to finish pipe work. Foreman shows up to check progress around 930 am. Still no framer. Foreman says he will call him and see where he is. Inspection happens and we pass. I call dirt guy up. He tells me that he can be out there by the end of the week. Call foreman and let him know dirt guy will be out there to backfill by Thursday. He said it won't be a problem because the framer is on his way out and should be done with floor framing on Tuesday night so the lumber won't be in the way.
Monday afternoon framer shows up. Opens the lumber stack and moves about 10 boards and then goes and smokes cigarettes in his truck for an hour. I finish my drain shit and ask framer when he will be done. He says he will have it all banged out by Tuesday.
Tuesday the 14th, show up to the site around 515, music playing, tools everywhere, and no framer in sight. Hung out there until close to 545 and he wasn't coming back. Hardly any works was done. Only about 80% of the mud sill was complete. On top of that it looked as if he hadn't set the boards up right and a few of them didn't have the correct amount of bolts holding the mud sill down. Though okay, maybe he will show up Wednesday and finish.
Thursday the 16th, I pull onto my road and pass the framer leaving as I'm pulling in. He has his trailer with him so I'm assuming he's all done and taking good his job trailer with him. I get to the site and see this shit.....
Crushed my drainage pipe

Missing studs on my pony/cripple wall

Missing bolts

So now I'm fucking pissed!! Call the foreman paul (who I have felt is a fucking retard this whole time) left him a voice mail. Called the local office and left a message there too. I'm steaming pissed and I'm getting ready to leave when I get a phone call from Paul's cell. Turns out its not Paul on the other end. Paul walked in dropped his keys off and quit. So now they have a temporary foreman from another project to fill in while the new foreman is getting trained. Dirt guy shows up to check to see progress b4 he brings in all his equipment. Calls off back filling until next week when no lumber is in the way.
Friday the 17th, I speak with new foreman. He tells me that the framers will be done with the framing by Saturday. I asked him who I send the bill for the broken pipe to. Because I'm charging the fuck out of these guys for sheer neglected. I mean who stacks 6 fucking floor joice's on pipe that suspended in the air. He says to hand it to the framer and email him a copy. He then tells me the dirt guys will have all of next week to get everything done. Because the framers will be done and all the lumber will be out of the way.
I call dirt guy and let him know he has all next week to dirt work. He says ok, and to call him Monday and let him know for sure if the lumber is moved. I go out to the site on friday. Framer is there with his flunky employee. He tells me he will have everything framed and all lumber moved by sat afternoon.
Sat the 18th, I show up and I'm in a full fucking rage. Nothing is done since Friday when I was there. I'm so pissed I'm ready to call my lender and tell them to put a stop to everything. Just as I'm getting ready to leave I get a email from our new foreman asking me how things are going. Told him I'm done with the emails and he needs to fucking call me. 5 min later I get a phone call from dale, our temp foreman. I explained to him that I'm done with it all. He sucks up and tells me he will take care of everything and whip them all into shape. He apologized and told me how this isn't the normal for there company. So, on monday the 20th, I'm going out in the afternoon. If shit ain't down. I'm going to padlock my property and they can all get fucked. I'll hire someone else.
Here is how it looked when I left.

There is maybe 6-8 floor joice's that are actually nailed. But not completely, just one one end.