You dont understand. ALL OF JERSEY is a shit hole and Yes they are ALLLLLLL LIKE THAT.
Its like being in a sick twisted nightmare, all the dudes ware wife beaters, orange tans, all of em rock spiky faux hawks or gotti boy hair cuts. they fist pump and they all LOVE jersey. everywhere you go you see what appears to be the same dude and at first you are like "wtf this dude has like 8745 doppelgangers and they all live here....wait a minute.....FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
then you realize its not teh same dude, they all just want to be the same dude.
I could go on and on about how the entire state is shitty. they don't have left turn lanes its a jug handle, so you gotta get right in order to go left. all the roads were paved by autistic folks and they straight up sell Muscle Milk the creatine enhancer at 7-11 and gas stations. Not fuckign kidding.
They have to pay money to go to their own beach. WTF is that, someone OWNS the fuckign beach? I'm no world traveler or anything but Ive been to a few states and by far Jersey was the worst, rudest, awful god forsaken place Ive ever been to.
when you flush the toilet it goes to jersey, dons a wife beater grows hair and pays to go to the beach. True story.
Fuck jersey.