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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #90 on: March 22, 2010, 10:56:17 PM »

why is there no choice? because there is govt control over everything with people working in collusion.

government regulation is the problem.

you have the choice to buy from a company.

seriously; read up on how monsanto patented the genome for its soybeans. they are 95% of the soybean crops out there. you buy from them, or you wait for them to sue you. government regulation didn't cause the problem, LACK of government oversight due to people who formerly worked for them being appointed to the regulatory positions overseeing their actions is what caused the problem. if the government HAD acted and stepped in and pointed out that they are a monopoly and we have anti-trust laws in this country, things wouldn't have gotten so ugly for the farmers who refused to back down to their intimidation.

same thing happened with the meat industry. there are really only a handful of processing plants that supply almost all the meat in this country. if you want meat, you have to buy from them. you don't seem to understand that if we were to completely pull government regulation out of industry, all those smaller 'choices' that you are still clinging to would disappear and be consumed by the corporations that can afford to dump millions into dragging them through the legal system until they're bankrupt.

hell, go to the grocery store sometime. look at all the choices! except they're not ACTUALLY choices at all- most of the products offered are owned by the same 3 or 4 companies. they're multiple offerings by the same company masquerading as choices, because that's the goal of capitalism: profit by any means possible.

now, don't get me wrong, capitalism has been very good to this country. but just like the founders realized the need for separation of powers amongst judicial, legislative and executive branches to prevent any one from becoming too powerful, capitalism needs checks and balances as well. the true 'free market' encourages consolidation of power and unfettered growth. the 'regulated free market' works pretty well, and has for over a hundred years now. the problem is that the regulators must be large enough to regulate. massive corporations breed massive government. you seem to think the two are not inherently linked to one another?

where if you don't BUY a service from a corporation. you will be fined or jailed. totally anti-liberty.

what the fuck have you been smoking? the only penalties in the bill are as of 2014, if you do not have health insurance (and are not exempt from the rule), you will be fined $95 or 1% of your income, whichever is greater. by 2016, the fine goes up to about $600ish or 2.5%. still less than the average tax refund. unpleasant, sure. end of america? puh-lease.

no one is going to be jailed for not purchasing health insurance. go have another glass of kool-aid, chicken little.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #91 on: March 22, 2010, 11:00:28 PM »

kgx I enjoy your political posts.

Never thought of the whole think you mentioned above, and that's fucked up but not unbelievable about the soybean thing.  Unfortunately, usually the companies usually end up getting what they want anyway due to lobbyists and money, but at least there's some chance of it not happening with regulation...


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2010, 11:10:27 PM »

Johnny only reads stuff from fox news

Maybe he will watch a movie, Food Inc. discusses the bullshit practices of Monsanto.

Turkey soup pancakes sir


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2010, 11:14:37 PM »

what happens if you don't pay the fine? you go to jail

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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #94 on: March 22, 2010, 11:17:07 PM »

What happens if you rape a hooker? Nothing.

Turkey soup pancakes sir


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #95 on: March 22, 2010, 11:22:15 PM »

I sure hope Johnny is making enough to cover my medical insurance costs.

Get to work buddy.

This bill is a total clusterfuck from what I know of it.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 11:39:00 PM by snm95ls »


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #96 on: March 22, 2010, 11:31:38 PM »

where if you don't BUY a service from a corporation. you will be fined or jailed. totally anti-liberty.

what the fuck have you been smoking? the only penalties in the bill are as of 2014, if you do not have health insurance (and are not exempt from the rule), you will be fined $95 or 1% of your income, whichever is greater.

what the fuck have YOU been smoking.  i really wish everyone could post teh whole truth instead of just their side that looks good.  by 2016 that little fine will be 695 and 2.5% of taxable income

You read some forums? nbspnbsp Cool, I tune cars.

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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #97 on: March 22, 2010, 11:40:45 PM »

Maybe he will watch a movie, Food Inc. discusses the bullshit practices of Monsanto.

Can't wait to grab that from x264


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #98 on: March 22, 2010, 11:42:33 PM »

Maybe he will watch a movie, Food Inc. discusses the bullshit practices of Monsanto.

Can't wait to grab that from x264

What are you waiting for?

Turkey soup pancakes sir


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #99 on: March 22, 2010, 11:43:42 PM »

This bill is a total clusterfuck from what I know of it.

not to be obtuse, but what bill/law isn't now a days?

You read some forums? nbspnbsp Cool, I tune cars.

  Its your fucking car, if you want to hack it up fucking go for it.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #100 on: March 22, 2010, 11:44:58 PM »

Maybe he will watch a movie, Food Inc. discusses the bullshit practices of Monsanto.

Can't wait to grab that from x264

What are you waiting for?

Not living with my PC, so the 7TB of video collecting is away and offline.

Will be grabbing a good 2TB of shit once I get back in action.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #101 on: March 22, 2010, 11:48:30 PM »


glad to see they are closing the 'black liquor' bio-fuel loop hole.  paper mills have been making a freaking killing off that for a while now

You read some forums? nbspnbsp Cool, I tune cars.

  Its your fucking car, if you want to hack it up fucking go for it.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #102 on: March 22, 2010, 11:51:45 PM »

This bill is a total clusterfuck from what I know of it.

not to be obtuse, but what bill/law isn't now a days?

I can't argue with that.

I honestly don't now enough about it to make any arguments either way, but the way it seems to have been ramrodded though makes me more than a little skeptical.  I can only imagine that it falls short of addressing the real issues like pretty much any other bill/law seems to do these days.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #103 on: March 22, 2010, 11:58:06 PM »

what happens if you don't pay the fine? you go to jail

I'm converting to Modern Day Amish therefore due to MY religious beliefs not required to pay into this scam.
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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #104 on: March 23, 2010, 12:13:18 AM »

what happens if you don't pay the fine? you go to jail

I'm converting to Modern Day Amish therefore due to MY religious beliefs not required to pay into this scam.

or you can be injin/super poor (when lowest cost plan is more than 8% of what you make)/incarcerated

You read some forums? nbspnbsp Cool, I tune cars.

  Its your fucking car, if you want to hack it up fucking go for it.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #105 on: March 23, 2010, 12:26:42 AM »

where if you don't BUY a service from a corporation. you will be fined or jailed. totally anti-liberty.

what the fuck have you been smoking? the only penalties in the bill are as of 2014, if you do not have health insurance (and are not exempt from the rule), you will be fined $95 or 1% of your income, whichever is greater.

what the fuck have YOU been smoking.  i really wish everyone could post teh whole truth instead of just their side that looks good.  by 2016 that little fine will be 695 and 2.5% of taxable income

"or". not "and," with a maximum allowable of just over $2k. bear in mind there are exceptions for religious objections, people at the bottom of the poverty table who have no hope of affording insurance on their own, etc.

possibly Amy Goldstein (she's a reporter for the washington post) misspoke on NPR this afternoon. christian science monitor confirms what Ms Goldstein said though. it's surprisingly difficult to find anything on the subject that someone (typically, but not always from the right) hasn't pissed their "fair and balanced" opinions into.

actually, Fox News just had a story up on the healtcare penalties being somewhat "toothless" and maybe not even enough of a financial incentive to find insurance.

there was also some talk of what had been happening in MA, where people would just opt to pay the fine and then go out and get insurance once they did get sick. 

yes, why don't we discuss the whole story?

don't get me wrong, i in no way believe that this bill will turn everyone's shit purple and make it smell like rainbow sherbert, but i'm certainly not convinced that it's anywhere near the atrocity that rush, hannity and 'crybaby' beck want you to believe it is. i bet that once the dems stop talking about their "historic triumph" :rolleyes: and the reagan radio brigade find something else to bitch about, most people won't even think about this anymore.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 12:39:14 AM by kgx »


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #106 on: March 23, 2010, 12:32:39 AM »

probably because were not liberal faggots waiting for handouts and we are too busy getting paid to waste time discussing the funding of the watermelon patch at DA WYTE HAUS
All posts before 8am and after 3pm are produced under the influence of alcohol.

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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #107 on: March 23, 2010, 01:03:59 AM »

probably because were not liberal faggots waiting for handouts and we are too busy getting paid to waste time discussing the funding of the watermelon patch at DA WYTE HAUS

You don't know what the fuck you want.  I get the noble bullshit, "I'm a real man and I do it all myself and I don't need help" -- thats fine and good.  What isn't cool is your "and fuck everyone else" attitude.  What is retarded is that the majority of the "conservative" or "republican" bullshit thrown around these days, by people in the poor to middle class income brackets, is blinding them into thinking republican policies will benefit you.  The modern day republican party is about the upper 1 or 2%, the rich motherfuckers, and they want all of our monies.  If you want to get Johnny-dramatic about it, the choice is being some rich fuck's serf/bitch/slave (republican) or you can pay some fucking taxes for public services and have a more equitable and just world (democrat).

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #108 on: March 23, 2010, 01:10:57 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

Makes me sick!

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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #109 on: March 23, 2010, 01:16:15 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

if you ever get a real job you'll change your mind.

our health care system is going to collapse from this just the same way as england's and canada's
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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #110 on: March 23, 2010, 01:17:39 AM »

kgx and egglysnatch, I can see why you don't see past the feel good bullshit....but the fact is that neither or the sides you advocate are legit.

The Republicans are pussys, and the Democrats are socialists. Neither of which are supported by the constitution. Just the facts of the matter.

It'll take a whole lot to make our society go to "feel good" communism, and it'll also take a whole lot to get us back to individual liberty.

Bottom line, I'll drop both you bitches with a quickness, just because. Yeah..... I said.......
F U C K Y O U ! !
I think Stealthmode has a few children in some of his socks. I picked up one of his socks thinking it was mine and it was crunchy. Now I spend all day wondering what the hell might be laying eggs under my fingernails.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #111 on: March 23, 2010, 01:19:15 AM »

you guys are idiots when did I say I supported the republicrats? fucking pussies have to resort to political name calling waah waah waah all of the jokers you fags vote for and fawn over are fucking your ignorant little faces and touching themselves while they think about your money knowing you will defend them to the death

jackboot thugs!
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Major Loser, please tell me how to be smart and interesting like you~


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #112 on: March 23, 2010, 01:19:25 AM »

kgx and egglysnatch, I can see why you don't see past the feel good bullshit....but the fact is that neither or the sides you advocate are legit.

The Republicans are pussys, and the Democrats are socialists. Neither of which are supported by the constitution. Just the facts of the matter.

It'll take a whole lot to make our society go to "feel good" communism, and it'll also take a whole lot to get us back to individual liberty.

Bottom line, I'll drop both you bitches with a quickness, just because. Yeah..... I said.......
F U C K Y O U ! !

bitchaaaaasssssssss niggggga
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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #113 on: March 23, 2010, 01:19:34 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

if you ever get a real job you'll change your mind.

our health care system is going to collapse from this just the same way as england's and canada's

I've had real jobs, and I've also lived without health care for extended periods of time.  Both sucked  :mexi:


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #114 on: March 23, 2010, 01:21:35 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

if you ever get a real job you'll change your mind.

our health care system is going to collapse from this just the same way as england's and canada's

I've had real jobs, and I've also lived without health care for extended periods of time.  Both sucked  :mexi:

you have never had a real job.


it will be hilarious when this happens to you
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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #115 on: March 23, 2010, 01:25:41 AM »

kgx and egglysnatch, I can see why you don't see past the feel good bullshit....but the fact is that neither or the sides you advocate are legit.

The Republicans are pussys, and the Democrats are socialists. Neither of which are supported by the constitution. Just the facts of the matter.

It'll take a whole lot to make our society go to "feel good" communism, and it'll also take a whole lot to get us back to individual liberty.

Bottom line, I'll drop both you bitches with a quickness, just because. Yeah..... I said.......
F U C K Y O U ! !

haha, always well spoken.  I'll agree with you a bit.  The current two party system is fucked, and neither side has all the answers.  Both have core principles that I can appreciate, and such principles usually aren't the stark opposites modern politics make them out to be.  How shit currently is flung at the fan, I align myself with the democrat/liberal faggotry side of things as they represent MOAR of the ideals that I feel important, but I don't agree with everything.  Mostly I just like to infuriate Johnny, even if I empathize with some conservative bullshit.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #116 on: March 23, 2010, 01:29:10 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

if you ever get a real job you'll change your mind.

our health care system is going to collapse from this just the same way as england's and canada's

I've had real jobs, and I've also lived without health care for extended periods of time.  Both sucked  :mexi:

you have never had a real job.


it will be hilarious when this happens to you

Actually, I have.  I see the difficulty you have with it.  As a citizen of this country, you fucking man up and pay for it.  You can be upset because you think the money is wasted, you can hope that it does someone some good somewhere, you can appreciate the public services and goods you have, or you can just fucking leave?  NINJA EDIT:  or you can take part in the political and democratic processes of the nation and try to make change (at least you'd be trying to do something meaningful with your life?).  Congo would be a great place to go if you didn't want to pay taxes or deal with public services, and the more guns you stockpile the better. 


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #117 on: March 23, 2010, 01:30:58 AM »

Or we can start a revolution because some black guy is trying to force us to have affordable, universal healthcare.

if you ever get a real job you'll change your mind.

our health care system is going to collapse from this just the same way as england's and canada's

I've had real jobs, and I've also lived without health care for extended periods of time.  Both sucked  :mexi:

you have never had a real job.


it will be hilarious when this happens to you

Actually, I have.  I see the difficulty you have with it.  As a citizen of this country, you fucking man up and pay for it.  You can be upset because you think the money is wasted, you can hope that it does someone some good somewhere, you can appreciate the public services and goods you have, or you can just fucking leave?  Congo would be a great place to go if you didn't want to pay taxes or deal with public services, and the more guns you stockpile the better. 


we have a constitution, that is not followed. we were supposed to be protected from this DUMBASS.

why do you ignore the constitution completely? it simply does NOT ALLOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO DO THIS. they are the ones "breaking the law" how fucking hard is it to understand?

govt is a necessary evil that has to be as small as possible.
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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #118 on: March 23, 2010, 01:37:55 AM »

I'm not worried about it.  Once I get out of school and get caught scamming social security, I plan on going to federal prison for the free food and place to sleep.  I'll probably commit petty crimes while there so I don't have to leave, and eventually, when I'm 70, I'll kill someone and get the death penalty by lethal injection, just to milk the system a little bit more on the way out.


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Re: death to tryants
« Reply #119 on: March 23, 2010, 01:38:26 AM »

What's the constitution? All I know is Johnny pays for my black babies

And my menthols  O0

Turkey soup pancakes sir
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