April 24th
Dump run done. All the trash from our whole build only cost me $55 to dispose of it.
Btw here is my free truck that was given to me
93 f150, straight 6, 5 speed 4wd.

April 31st
Mechanical, plumbing and framing insections. Passed mechanical, failed framing and plumbing.
Plumbing was failed because the water line to the gauge was not turned on so it reads zero....lol
5 small things with framing.
2 brace boards across 2 roof trusses were not installed
1 hole that was drilled for plumbing was abandoned and was not filled with the fire foam
Moisture in the wood was still too high
And there was 1 missing hurricane clip for the trusses in the garage.
Saturday May 1st
cleaned the entire inside of the house floor. Disposed of all the trash inside the house.
Sunday May 2nd.
Set our post at the top of our driveway for our gate. The boy helped me do work.

Now it's Friday the 5th of May
Dirt work is getting finished up, siding is done(except for wraping the posts) garage concrete was poured today.

Tomorrow I'm renting a ditch digger and I'm going to trench a line from our temporary power pole to our house and drop my conduit in it, also trenching for water supply line and a trench all the way up the side of the driveway to drop in some direct burrial wire for power for our gate lights and the motor for our gate.
Power company will install permanent power next week and I need to talk with the phone company about getting there lines brought into our house so I can have some internet.