ok guys need some input here... this would be the best way i can come up with for the fuel rail set up.. now this is all mocked up with some of the old an lines off the old setup. the rears of the rails would be linked with a -8 an loop. then as the pic shows.. come around and out to the reg. now the blue an fitten you see on bottom od=f the reg goes back to the tee on pass side feed. then the by pass -6 silver an out the btm of the reg back to fuel cell.. this work or what? pics...
give me some feedback guys.. space is tight on the rear of mnotor to firewall..and also the -8 feed is on pass side.. would like to run rteturn on drv side..
So if I have this clear, the fuel pump feed is coming up the passenger side of the car (opposite that of the regulator), into the open "T" into the picture, feed all of the injectors (through a rear loop not pictured) and back to the regulator and then the return will run down the drivers side? Correct?
If that is the way you are doing it then you can either remove that open T on the passenger side, and run it as you have it, but block off one of the side ports on the regulator.
Or you can do it the same as above but run a line from the T on the passenger side, into one of the side ports of the regulator.
Or the ideal way is you move that T back behind the engine, have each rail fed from that T behind the engine, and then the front of the rail each gets fed into it's own port in the regulator, and then the return as is.